Formation of sustainable development strategy of integrated business in crisis conditions

Reference for the Journal article: Пилипенко А.А. Формування стратегії стійкого розвитку інтегрованої структури бізнесу в умовах кризи / А.А. Пилипенко, І.В. Ялдін // Глобальні та національні проблеми економіки. Електронне наукове фахове видання. – 2015. – №5. Режим доступу до журналу:

The article contains the methodical approach for forming the strategy of integrated business structure sustainable development. This methodical approach is based on the matrix methods of portfolio analysis and scenario modeling. In the article we consider the integrated business structure as association of independent enterprises with forming of special institutional environment. As the bases of the integration process we propose to use the enterprise competence. Such competence integration we using also as the base for the global strategy of integrates structure sustainable development forming. We have shown that only consolidated pool of competence formation provides for the strategy of integrated enterprise development sustained and anti-crisis nature. In the same time, as a condition of integrated enterprise stability maintaining we propose to create the system of competences implementation which lay in that pool. Thus, the peculiarity of authors’ proposals is based on using the integration and cooperation process of industrial enterprise as a form of coordinated counteraction to crises. As part of this proposal we proved the relevance of pairwise correlation of integrated entities strategies participants.

In the article we propose to create two strategic matrixes: «the level of cooperative relations development – the degree of enterprises goals aligned» and «competitive strategy of first integrated business structure participant – competitive strategy of second participant». By using this matrix we systematized the factors of consolidated development of integrated enterprises strategy. Also we developed the situational approach to determine the level of complementarity of competence. In this point of view we substantiated the logic of scenario approach using for integrated business structure anti-crisis strategy formulation. The article contains the appropriate algorithm of such situational approach using.

Keywords: integrated business structure, strategy of sustainable development, scenario approach, integration interaction, correlation of strategies.

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