Pylypenko А. Choosing the competitive forms of marketing management as a part of enterprises and integrated business structures strategic management organization / A. Pylypenko, К. Berezovskyi // Economics of Development. - 2014. - №2. - С. 82-90

The theoretical rationale is provided for the development of organizational and structural support for marketing management of an industrial enterprise that functions in a globalized economic environment. The essence and components of the concept of marketing management are considered. The typology of forms of marketing management was conducted, which was agreed with a set of marketing mix strategies of an enterprise and the selection of lifecycle practices. Peculiar enterprise lifecycle practices were substantiated for several forms of marketing management. The differences between marketing management functions implementation were determined for different management forms. The specifics of implementation were identified and options were recommended for strategic action as to marketing management change.


Scientific Abstract of the Article
"Choosing the competitive forms of marketing management as a part of enterprises and integrated business structures strategic management organization"
by A. Pylypenko and К. Berezovskyi

The article is dedicated to theoretical substantiation and development of organizational and structural support for marketing management of an industrial enterprise that functions in a globalized economic environment. The content and components of the concept "a marketing management form" were defined. Marketing management forms as described in the article are characterised by the following features: peculiarities of work (selection, use and configuration) with an enterprise life cycle practice, the selected approach to disclosing and realization of marketing management functions, the method of delegation of powers to business entities and strategic resources distribution optimization by the target market segments, the principles and microinstitutes of marketing management (the system of roles and organizational routines), formalization of interrelations between the organizational form of an enterprise and its marketing management system structure, the list of levers and tools of management influence realization, marketing monitoring etc.

It is proved that just the form of marketing management reveals the areas of the target impact on the architectural representation of a company. With such an approach, the form of marketing management determines how the marketing management system influences the enterprise management activity. To disclose the logic of such management influences a typology of marketing management forms was conducted, with their choice agreed with a set of marketing mix strategies of an enterprise and selection of its lifecycle practices. Peculiarities of implementation of enterprise lifecycle practices were justified for the proposed forms of marketing management. The differences between marketing management functions implementation dependingon different management forms were determined.

The choice of a marketing management form is subject to the factor of involvement of businesses in the integration interaction. This factor correlates with the quality level of the enterprise marketing management system and a degree of enterprise lifecycle practices reorientation to the marketing paradigm. It is proved that the form of marketing management is not an established characteristic. It can change in accordance with changes in consumer preferences or parameters of enterprise business process organization. In view of this, specific features of implementation and recommended options for strategic action aiming to change the marketing management form were developed.


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